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Common Misconceptions about Digital Marketing

I don’t have the time or money to compete with top competitors on the Web.

Finding potential clients on the Internet will not provide a great return on investment. 

The odds are stacked against small firms.

Adwords and other paid advertising are too expensive to provide a good return on investment.

These 6 Steps help Potential Clients find you
FIRST when they Search Online .

1.  Research the key  searches used by people who are considering divorce.

2.  Create a website that has the information they are looking for in an easy to use format.

3.  Bring traffic to your website by adding great content, adding your website to directories (citations), and sharing your content with other websites (backlinking)

4. Create a paid marketing campaign using the 1:1 Method in Google Adwords and Bing to get instant results while your site is ranking

5. Monitor the progress of your website and your ads to make sure you are getting a solid return on your investment

6.  Make continual adjustments to guarantee the best results.

Ranking your website organically to one of the top three positions in Google is the best way to reach people who are looking for a divorce attorney, however, more visitors does not necessarily translate into more paid clients.

4 reasons to add a Google Adwords and Bing campaign to your current marketing strategies.

1.  When a potential client sees an ad, as well as a website, it builds trust by implying that your firm is established and experiences.

2.  Each ad is targeted toward a particular pain point that the client may be experiencing, increasing the chances that they will call your firm, or visit your website.

3. The ad goes to a specific page designed to showcase how your company can solve that problem and ease the pain…encouraging the potential client to choose your firm.

4.  A carefully structured and monitored ad campaign will bring between $2 to $3 return for each $1 invested.

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